Latest News
We’ve made enhancements to Asteron Health Sense Plus
ArticleWe’ve made changes to our Asteron Health Sense Plus program by removing the BMI requirement, making it easier for your clients to access and retain the 5% discount. Read
Asteron Life premium rates are changing from 1 January 2025
ArticleWe have performed a review of Asteron premium rates to ensure we can continue to support your clients when they need us most. As a result of this review, premium rates for Asteron Life policies will change from 1 January 2025, with many premium rates increasing and some remaining unchanged or, in some cases, reducing. Read
Whatever life holds, we're here to help your clients live it
ArticleWe supported over 50,000 Australians and their families last financial year, paying $4.2 billion in claims benefits. Read
Meet the Team: Liesje Jansen Van Rensburg
ArticleAs the General Manager of Performance, Portfolio Management and Underwriting. I oversee all aspects of underwriting across the business, ensuring a careful balance between managing risk and delivering value to our customers. Read